*The data administrator is AMARGO sp. z o. o. sp. k. with its registered office in Koprki, ul. Jaśminowa 16, 05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki, e-mail address: ado@amargo.pl. The data provided in the above form will be processed in order to send the file with the Amargo guide, due to the legitimate interest of the administrator in responding to the submitted request. If you wish, the e-mail address will also be processed for the purpose of delivering the newsletter, i.e. providing the ordered service. You have certain rights regarding the processed personal data, i.e. access, rectification, deletion, restriction, transfer, objection to processing, and lodging a complaint to the appropriate authority (President of the Personal Data Protection Office, ul. Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw) . Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to fulfill a specific purpose. More information about the processing of personal data is included in the Privacy Policy (only in Polish).
Due to frequent breakdowns of the landline number, please contact us by e-mail. Sorry for the inconvenience.
E-mail address for sending inquiries: eksperci@amargo.pl
At the moment, handling the inquiry may be extended to several days, so we will be grateful for your understanding.